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Women Veteran Resources@M2C


Women Veterans represent an enduring legacy of leadership, service, and sacrifice. Each woman's experience is unique, yet many face similar challenges while serving in the military and after returning to civilian life.  


As you develop your career, you’re bound to achieve successes, face challenges and learn valuable lessons along the way. MyCareer@VA’s new podcast interview series, CareerTalk, connects you with VA leaders who share stories from their own career journeys.

Uncover Your Career Possibilities

Business and Professional
Women's Foundation (BPW)

is transforming workplaces with women and employers. Successful Workplaces are those that embrace and practice diversity, equity and work-life balance. For every gift given, 95% directly funds our programs supporting working women, their families and successful workplaces.

Joining Forces for Women Veterans
and Military Spouses Mentoring Plus

Joining Forces Mentoring Plus® offers unlimited free personal coaching and professional guidance—including working women mentors—for women veterans of all ranks and eras, military/veteran spouses, and caregivers of wounded warriors, to help them successfully identify, outline, and pursue civilian careers. Our high tech-high touch framework meets women where they are to address the distinct challenges they face and provide exposure and access to education, credentialing, career development, and entry into the broadest spectrum of industry, services, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Additional Resources

Transforming Workplaces with

Women and Employers

Veteran Videos
According to the VA Center for Women Veterans, there are over 1.8 million women Veterans in America today. 
Looking at the composition of today’s generation of Veterans (the “Post 9/11” era), women now make up between 5 and 25 percent of the total armed forces.


As a newly discharged woman Veteran, finding a job in the civilian marketplace is often a difficult process filled with many potential challenges. Apparent 
gender-based pay gaps in certain labor markets, and differences between military skill sets and civilian workforce requirements can create roadblocks 
to employment within the private sector. Federal employment, and – more specifically – employment in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), offers a compelling alternative.

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